Rob Wilton, New Orleans Saints Chaplain and Founding Pastor of Vintage Church, shares how the story of Jesus changes your life and gives you a position, purpose, and promise.
Sermon Snapshot
Check out this brief sermon snapshot from CHANGED Sunday. Like what you see? Make sure to check out the full sermon video above.
Check out some recent stories of life change within Vintage Church.
Miranda shares how she grew up in the church but never entered into a real relationship with Jesus until she came into a solid Christian community within Vintage Church.
Daniel shares about how he grew up in the church but it took a series of difficult events in his teenage years to lead him to Christ.
Kyla shares how, after giving her life to Jesus, she cares about how she treats people.
Courtney shares how she came to faith at a youth retreat and has since grown through her Christian community. She's getting baptized after dealing with a lot of pride issues surrounding her faith journey.
Check out past CHANGED events
Rob Wilton (2017)
N.O. Saints Chaplain and founding pastor of Vintage Church