vGroups Series
The power of community is unstoppable. Not only were we not created to live alone, but we were created for the greatest life-change to happen in community. Join Vintage Church this summer as we jump into our new series “vGroups.” Through “vGroups” we are going to discover how community brings transformation, connection, and multiplication in our lives. During this series, learn more about vGroups and connect with one. There’s never been a better time to join a vGroup than now. Don’t miss “vGroups” as we discover together how a vGroup can change our lives.
Sermon Resources
Week 1 | June 26, 2016 | Follow
Following Jesus requires intentionality. In this sermon, Pastor Rob kicks off our vGroups series preaching from Matthew 4:18–22.
Week 2 | July 3, 2016 | Transform
In week 2 of vGroups, Pastor Dustin Turner looks at Mark 2:1–12 and how Jesus uses community to transform us.
Week 3 | July 10, 2016 | Connect
In the third week of our vGroups series, Connect Director Matthew Weaver explains what it looks like to be in connection with the kingdom of God from Luke 14:16–24.
Week 4 | July 17, 2016 | Multiply
Multiplication is a part of the life of every Christian. Pastor Brick shares from John 20:19–22 how our vGroups multiply in order to bring God's work of restoration to our city.
Week 5 | July 24, 2016 | Change
Pastor Dustin Turner wraps up our vGroups series in Acts 2:42–47, inspiring the church to change their world through community.
Series Media
Check these stories of the impact vGroups have had.
Kirk and Kaley share their story of how being a part of a vGroup has transformed their lives and their marriage.
Thomas shares his story of how being a part of a vGroup has transformed his life by introducing him to Jesus and leading to his salvation.
Ronnie and Marie share their story of how connecting with a vGroup has impacted their lives.
AJ and Charlotte share their story of how connecting with a vGroup has impacted their lives.
Hear from one of our Vintage Jefferson vGroups on why multiplication is important.
Hear from one of our Vintage Orleans vGroups on why multiplication is important.
Series Resources
As we journey through our vGroups series we are recommending some key resources on small groups and biblical community. These resources can be purchased at our Resource Center during a Vintage worship gathering or you can find these titles on Amazon through the links below.
A Meal with Jesus
By Tim Chester
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Growing Up
BY Robby Gallaty
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Life in Community
By Dustin Willis
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Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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Radical Together
David Platt
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The Company We Keep
By Jonathan Holmes
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